Registration of a
mainland company

Specialists at METROPOLITAN CONSULTING will help you analyze the market for opening a company on the UAE mainland, will tell you about all the features of doing business, and help you to prepare all the necessary documents.

No taxes on personal income and dividends

Developed infrastructure for business

The UAE provides the perfect tool for making international profits

100% ownership of the company

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One of the most common types of business registration in the UAE is a mainland company. The minimum number of shareholders is one and the maximum is 50. The average registration period is 1-2 weeks from the date of document submission.

These types of companies have a significant competitive advantage, since they can operate not only abroad, but also in the UAE.

There are plenty of reasons for setting up such a company. That being said, they are required when it comes to retailing in the main territory of the UAE, running beauty salons, clinics, etc. These companies can participate in public tenders on request.

Following the 2020 changes to the 'Commercial Companies Act', foreign nationals are no longer required to have a local sponsor to register a mainland company. Expats can now act as 100% owners of the business. Please, bear in mind that this amendment does not apply to all businesses.

For local companies, licenses can be commercial, professional and industrial (manufacturing).

Mainland companies have several advantages over those registered within Free Zones. They can lease premises in any part of the city in Dubai or Abu Dhabi (depending on the location of the company's registration), they have no restrictions on conducting business within the emirate, and importantly, they are more favorably perceived by UAE banks.

Mainland companies have several advantages over those registered within Free Zones. They can lease premises in any part of the city in Dubai or Abu Dhabi (depending on the location of the company's registration), they have no restrictions on conducting business within the emirate, and importantly, they are more favorably perceived by UAE banks.

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