Real Estate Disputes

METROPOLITAN CONSULTING is ready to assist you in difficult cases concerning real estate, as well as resolve real estate disputes through litigation and pre-trial settlement.

Providing a complete and clear picture of the business prospects and risks

Litigation in courts (including DIFC and ADGM) & arbitrations

Detailed written reports during all case stages

Transparent & clear pricing policy

We Assist in Dealing with Difficult Issues Concerning Real Estate

Representatives of our company will quickly and efficiently draw up a claim, as well as collect and prepare all the documents which are necessary to protect your interests in court.

We assist our clients in sorting out real estate disputes and solve any arising issues as efficiently as possible through litigation and through pre-trial settlement.

The judicial proceedings in the UAE is a long process that can take several years, so first of all we try to find tools to resolve the dispute through negotiations and compromises.

We invite you to our office, where our experts will conduct a preliminary examination of your documents, assess the chances and risks, and develop a strategy that will enable you to get the desired result.

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