Handy info

The UAE Exit Certificate

The exit certificate for goods from the UAE is an official document that confirms the readiness of cargo for shipment from the port. It guarantees that the goods have undergone all the necessary inspections and are ready for export. This document is mandatory for the departure of goods from all ports in the UAE, and is required for every type of goods. Failure to have the certificate may result in penalties, legal action, or confiscation of the cargo.

METROPOLITAN CONSULTING will assist you in preparing the necessary documents and efficiently completing all procedures to obtain the Exit certificate for goods. Your cargo will be shipped without delays or complications.


What types of companies can foreigners open in the UAE?

The Mainland zone is suitable for entrepreneurs planning to operate both within the UAE, without being tied to a specific zone, and outside its borders. The Free Economic Zone will be optimal for those who want to reduce their administrative burden or be exempt from customs duties on raw material imports and finished product exports.

Offshore will be the best solution for those who do not plan to operate within the country but still want to benefit from all the advantages of doing business in the UAE. If you have any questions related to opening a company in the UAE, feel free to contact the experts at METROPOLITAN CONSULTING.


Advantages of doing business in the Emirates

Foreign entrepreneurs in the UAE can own 100% of local companies. They have access to favourable credits and receive business support from the government. Certain goods and services in the Emirates are exempt from VAT, while the standard VAT rate is only 5%. The country has a stable banking system, fast international transactions, and allows full profit repatriation.

If you have any questions related to starting a business in the UAE, feel free to contact the experts at METROPOLITAN CONSULTING.


Government business support programs in the UAE

Government programs for business support in the UAE help local and foreign entrepreneurs start and grow their ventures. By becoming participants, business owners can seek expert consultations, assistance in obtaining loans, licences, and more. These programs operate in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other emirates.


How Can You Avoid Mistakes When Starting a Business from Scratch in the UAE?

If you are planning to start a business in the UAE from scratch, you need to choose the type of company you want to open, where it will be registered, and which licence you will need that correlates to the field of activity. You will also need to rent an office, choose a name, properly register employees and prepare the necessary package of documents. METROPOLITAN CONSULTING’s specialists will help you solve all of these legal and organisational issues.


Buying a ready-made business in the UAE

Buying a ready-made business has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, you will become the owner of a well-established business that will start generating revenue right away. On the other hand, you will have to follow the business model and strategy of the previous owner. Not to mention the possibility of finding out after you bought the business that important details were hidden from you, and now you have to clean up the problems or risk losing profits.

Before you buy any ready-made company, you must thoroughly check the entire company from A to Z. In order to avoid falling victim to scams or missing important details during the acquisition of the business, it is best to enlist the help of professionals. The team of specialists, lawyers and auditors at METROPOLITAN CONSULTING will answer all your questions and help you make the most appropriate decision to meet your goals.


How to name a company in the UAE

THe UAE has very strict rules for naming companies. There are many words that are flat out forbidden to use, such as anything connected to religion or geographic location. The name must indicate the organisational and legal type of company it is, and, quite often, what work the company actually does.


Top 10 Advantages of Establishing a Mainland Company in the UAE

In the UAE, businesses can be established as mainland, offshore or Free Zone entities. Setting up a mainland company might take more time and effort, but has undeniable benefits — the company can operate both in the UAE and internationally, and is more likely to receive financial help from banks, especially in terms of taking out loans.


Starting your own business in Dubai

Many expatriates employed in the UAE consider starting their own business, attracted by the country's comfortable business environment and favourable tax system. UAE legislation allows employed individuals to start their own business without resigning from their current company. We have developed a step-by-step guide on how to do this and what to pay attention to.


Obtaining a tax resident certificate

Tax residency is the status of an individual (physical or legal) within the tax system of a specific country. In other words, the status of a tax resident represents an individual's «attachment» to a particular state.

The UAE is one of the most attractive countries in the world for living and doing business. It has bilateral agreements to avoid double taxation with most countries, allowing for the minimization of tax payments.


Education in the UAE

One of the most important issues for families planning to relocate to the UAE is to choose an appropriate school for their children. The educational programme, the language and cultural specifics of teaching, cost of education and future perspectives for graduates — everything is worth taking into account. The education system in the United Arab Emirates differs from the Russian one in terms of standards and the duration of study. Here we will describe the opportunities, perspectives and potential challenges of a secondary education in the UAE.