By 2025, the UAE investment technology market is expected to see a 145% growth

The market for technology, which is aimed at making investing in the UAE more accessible and convenient, is predicted to grow 145%, reaching AED 1.19B (USD 325M) by the year 2025. The number of companies in this field is expected to grow by a third, from 294 to 386. This forecast was given by UnaFinancial, a group of global companies.

The intensive development of the UAE investment technology market has been closely followed since 2020. By the end of 2022, the total investment amount had reached AED 469M (USD 127.7M) – nearly seven times the amount just 2 years earlier.


Further rapid market growth is expected thanks to the improving investment climate. This has been achieved through both the implementation of initiatives diversifying the country’s economy and the entry of large international companies to the local stock exchange.

The UAE government is taking measures to develop the financial sector and attract foreign investment. This is one of the key areas of the country’s economic development. By launching online brokerage platforms and applications, the investment process has been greatly simplified. Other important factors that attract local and foreign investment to the country include the steady rise in the standard of living in the Emirates, the availability of resident and work visas and the acceleration of mass digitalisation during and after the pandemic.

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